A dog named “Cola” that chewed on his owner’s shoes in Thailand is given prostheses for the front legs he lost when his human’s neighbor came at him and attacked him with a sword. Cola has been aware of human cruelty for only nine months after having his front legs amputated with a sword for chewing on a neighbor’s shoes.
Despite the knowledge that Cola’s owner would cover the damages, his neighbor broke into his property and assaulted the dog, according to Soi Dog on Facebook. The neighbor attacked the dog and severed its legs with a sword.
Since that awful event in May of last year, Coca-Cola has come a long way. The animal protection law was used to file charges against the man who committed this heinous act of cruelty.
The Soi Dog Foundation paid for Cola’s visit to a specialized clinic in Bangkok, and now that he has fully healed, the medical staff has fitted him with a prosthetic.
Cola’s owner gave him over to Soi Dog in the interim, and Gill, a co-founder of the organization, travelled to Bangkok a few weeks later to pick him up and bring him home to live with her and her husband John. Gill too has prosthetic legs and lost her legs over ten years ago while saving a puppy.
In the video, Cola is shown receiving his prostheses thanks to the support of a group of activists, and the animal is clearly pleased to have his front legs propped up so he can resume running and jumping.
On Facebook, Soi Dog wrote:
“Cola proves to the world that he can move his prosthetics after having both of his front legs severed with a sword!”