Shepherd was rushed to a local hospital. The vet didn’t see much hope for him as he would collapse all the time and had severe mange rotting away his skin. But after 1 week of intensive care, Shepherd passed this critical stage and slowly found the strength to live again!
Shepherd has now been shifted to a foster home in Burke, Virginia. His foster mom Kim O’Keefe finds it revolting that someone so cruelly hurt the sweet, loving and easy-going Shepherd. Under Kim’s care, Shepherd is getting stronger every day and will soon be ready for a forever home.
The Humane Rescue Alliance volunteers are meanwhile assisting the cops to help find the twisted person who dumped Shepherd like garbage. The shelter was just steps away from the gutter, yet the culprit chose to let the dog suffer and d.i.e a slow d.e.a.t.h in the gutter.
Cops are looking for the culprit who drove a dark-colored, four-door sedan with no hood. A reward of $10000 has been offered for any information that leads to the arrest of the culprit. Pass on this message and help the cops nab this cruel offender and bring them to justice.
Click the video below to watch Shepherd the miracle puppy’s heartbreaking case of abandonment and his current recovery.