Woman Finds I.njured Kitten On The Road B.leeding Through His Eyes And Nose, Here’s How He Looks Now

Aspen Smith was enjoying a rural drive with her mother in Georgia, U.S when she suddenly spotted a disoriented kitten scurrying in the middle of the road. Not only was the kitten scared, he was badly injured, so the women took him with them.

“He had bloody cuts on the top of his head, and his nose and mouth were bleeding pretty badly,” Aspen told Cat Lovers. “One eye was swollen shut, and for a while, we didn’t know if he even had an eye because his eye was so swollen. The vet told them that the kitten had possibly had a brain trauma and gave instructions to follow. “He was so shy at first and had no idea what to think of us,” Aspen recalled. “We put out some food for him, but he wouldn’t eat at first. I decided to spoon feed him.” Aspen also treated his eye with antibiotics and a special cream.

“From that time forward, he was a different cat,” she said. “He started eating regularly without us having to spoon feed him and he used the litter box. He is extremely playful. He is always by mine or Mike’s side. My grandmother died the week before we found Yoda, and my mom and I truly believe that the universe somehow brought him to us to comfort us.”

A woman was enjoying a rural drive when she suddenly spotted a disoriented kitten on the road

“He had bloody cuts on the top of his head, and his nose and mouth were bleeding pretty badly,” Aspen told Cat Lovers.

“He would sneeze and blood would spray out of his nose. We honestly didn’t know if he would survive”

“We put out some food for him, but he wouldn’t eat at first. I decided to spoon feed him”

The vet said that the kitten had possibly had a brain trauma and gave instructions to follow for his eye, too

“He was so shy at first and had no idea what to think of us”
“From that time forward, he was a different cat”

“He is always by mine or [my boyfriend’s] side”

“My grandmother died the week before we found Yoda”

“My mom and I truly believe that the universe somehow brought him to us to comfort us”

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