Woman Adopts An Elderly Cat With Severe Health Problems And Fills His Remaining Days With Love

Jessica Davis is a brave woman from Los Angeles, California, who devoted her life to rescuing animals in need. 

So, when she decided to adopt an old and gravely ill cat that only had a few weeks left, nobody was really shocked. Jessica wanted to ensure this cat, Mr. Whiskers, spent his final days surrounded by warmth and affection.

Reflecting on the day they met, Jessica shared her story with warmth and a hint of nostalgia in her voice. She found Mr. Whiskers in a room full of adorable kittens, looking worn out, sad, and totally beat.

The connection was instant for Jessica – she knew right then that Mr. Whiskers had found his forever home with her.

Jessica met Mr. Whiskers at the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center in Los Angeles, surrendered by folks who probably couldn’t meet his medical needs anymore. 

At 17 years old, Mr. Whiskers was battling FIV and FeLV, two contagious viral infections that compromise a cat’s immune system, making them susceptible to various illnesses.

There was something about his eyes that really pulled Jessica in – a look of longing for acknowledgment, a silent plea for a chance. Seeing him among the more appealing, lively kittens, Jessica knew his odds of finding a home were slim. She said:

“He’s never gonna get adopted with this health ailments and with a room full of cute small kittens.”

Compelled by his plight, Jessica took matters into her own hands, whisking Mr. Whiskers away from the shelter’s chaos and giving him a peaceful retreat for his sunset days.

As the founder of Boomers Buddies Rescue in Los Angeles, Jessica has a wealth of experience in animal rescue, so she was well-equipped to provide care for an older cat like Mr. Whiskers. 

She noticed right away that he seemed a bit anxious and uneasy in his new surroundings. 

After a vet visit for a comprehensive check-up, it turned out that Mr. Whiskers was dealing with more than just FIV and FeLV; he also had pancreatitis, a serious parasitic infection in his stomach, and a urinary tract infection.

The vet’s prognosis wasn’t optimistic, given his multiple health issues, and he gently prepared Jessica for the reality that Mr. Whiskers might not have much time left. 

He encouraged her to make Mr. Whiskers’ final days as comfortable and loving as possible, reminding her to treasure every moment they had together.

Once Jessica had Mr. Whiskers on the right meds, his spirits lifted almost instantly.

“He warmed up quickly. He started following me around the house. He was very affectionate, considering his age; I was really surprised to see that.”

Mr. Whiskers quickly revealed himself to be as entertaining and playful as any ginger cat could be. 

He truly enjoyed Jessica’s company and seemed grateful for all she did for him, happy to hang out with her whether they were lounging in bed or she was bustling about the house with chores.

Mr. Whiskers got along great with Jessica’s dogs, but because of his FIV and FeLV, he had to keep his distance from her other cats to prevent spreading the illnesses. 

Worried he might feel isolated, Jessica came up with a genius solution:

“I thought about getting him a potential playmate who had the same disease that he did. So, we rescued a few FeLV cats, brought them into our home, and he was great.”

Having a couple of friends he could spend his time with and hang around was everything Mr. Whiskers needed to be happy – which consequently made Jessica happy, too.

“Letting him have those friends was really sweet to see.”

Jessica’s time with Mr. Whiskers was short but unforgettable – just five months before he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. His battle with FeLV took a turn, leading to severe neurological issues, a heartbreaking sign for Jessica that it was time to let him go. 

She shared her feelings and experience on Instagram, saying:

“5 months. 5 beautiful months. That’s all I had with Mr. Whiskers and no matter how difficult it was to say goodbye, I would do it all over again. (…) He had the funniest, sweetest personality, very dog-like. (…) He was so incredibly social, and just wanted to be in the mix of everything up until the very end. (…) Until we meet again my sweet Whiskey boy.”

Let’s remember from Jessica’s story the unique value and love senior cats bring into our lives. And maybe, this story will inspire more of us to visit a local shelter to see if a senior cat is waiting to bring joy into our lives.

Watch the video below:

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