Twin Kitties with Same Colored Odd Eyes in These Stunning Photos

These two sister kitties are quite unique. They were born almost completely identical, and both have a pair of gorgeous odd eyes – one is blue and the other hazel.

Meet Iriss and Abyss the twin sisters @sis.twins.

These two gorgeous odd-eyed cats are 9 months old from Saint-Petersburg. They found their human dad at 3 months old. The two beautiful sisters are totally inseparable.

Their heterochromatic (different colored) eyes are absolutely mesmerizing. The two sisters are perfectly healthy and super playful.

Heterochromia is a genetic mutation that results in difference colored eyes. Their human dad said on Instagram that the two furry sisters are neither Angora or Turkish, but they are of a mixed breed.

When Iriss and Abyss were still wee kittens…

“I have a secret to tell you.”

A big smile!

Cuddling with their human dad.


Gorgeous eyes!

It’s hard to tell them apart.

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