Trapped Kitten Waited In 109-Degree Heat For Someone To Find Him

This summer I started playing Pokémon Go and decided to go for a stroll in my hometown.

As I was passing by an electricity post I heard what I thought it was a bird. But I found it very strange since I could not see any bird and besides that it should be way too hot for a bird to be chirping around. So I went back and investigated.

What I found was a kitty crying for help. It had his head stuck in the junction between the top side and the bottom side of the post. It was hanging only by his head. We have no idea how the hell did it get in that situation.

It must have been there for a long time, since it barely had energy to cry. Its mouth was open wide, it did not close it. I only knew it was alive by its cry for help.

I called my parents and we decided we would not let the kitty rot in that place, so we asked for the help of the fireman, the true heroes of this story.

When they arrived the cat was standing still and not making any noise and they first told us that the cat must have died. We insisted that the cat was alive, so they poked it with a stick and for our relief it did cry again!

Then they tried to put some oil in him and use a broomstick to take it out. But it was REALLY stuck and just screamed in pain when we pressured it.

The firemen then decided to use some of their tools to try and tilt the electrical post a bit, so they called for more resources and the police (they needed approval from them).

After the police arrived they took a giant machine from the firetruck that would pressure the top side of the electrical post to try and tilt it. It would be too dangerous to try and bust the whole thing since there could be an explosion.

Despite their many efforts, the firemen could not tilt the electrical post. Everyone was losing their hopes that we would be able to take the kitty out. The fireman started banging the floor with a hammer but it would not do.

One of the fireman was so upset for the cat’s state, behing so still for so long, with such a hot weather, that he tried to give it water. And it did drink! We were so happy when this happened. Still, we didn’t know how to take it out.

The fireman called the company responsible for the electrical system in the country. The man came from a city 30 minutes away so he could bring a key to open the post.

After he opened it we realized that nothing could be done from the inside. There were way too many cables, screwed to the wall of the post, that we could not remove.

Then someone had the idea to use the machine they previously used to tilt the post in the junction of the top and bottom instead of only on the top. After they did, BOOM, the post busted and there was just enough space left for the cat to be free!

The fireman stood in that place with 40+ºC for 3 HOURS to save a cat’s life.

My mother decided to take it home for the night. And it wasn’t friendly AT ALL. It hissed at us if we tried to approach it.

It was always wanting to escape us. It didn’t let us touch him. But it was really fond of my three other animals, two cats and a dog. We were so surprised it didn’t hiss at my dog and just acted “normally” around him.

Time for a bath. He was filthy from the oil we used to try and take him out, plus all the dirt from being a stray cat. The water took the dirt away and we realized he was a boy with golden hair!

My mother took SO MANY fleas out of him.

My father kept telling us he was the ugliest cat he had ever seen and he was indeed. But still, and despite he being rude to us when trying to approach him, my mother did not send him to the cat’s shelter, where I insisted they would probably kill him after some days. So we kept Spock with us.

He was so young that we had to feed him “manually” with milk.

The next day I found the little one eating – from the dog’s bowl.

Four months have passed and the cat my father kept calling ugly went full “The Ugly Duckling” mode. He is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen. And he is HUGE.

TL:DR Found a dying cat while playing Pokémon Go, saved him, he was ugly, turned out to be beautiful, I’m in love with him.

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