Tired Of His Dog With End-Stage Cancer, The Owner Abandoned Her To Live On The Street

The Happy Animals Club responded immediately to a student’s call reporting a dog wandering the streets with a sizable tumor.

She is an elderly woman, and the tumor really is large, making it difficult for her to walk. She was once known as Gertrude, or Trudy.

As soon as they gave Trudy some food, she stopped fighting against being arrested. She must have endured prolonged starvation. She appeared terribly depressed and worn out; the tumor had sapped all of her energy.

To prevent chafing, Trudy wore a collar made of rope to which parts of a garden hose were fastened. Whoever looked after her seemed to be a loving but lowly person.

Before going to the clinic, Trudy bought a walkie-talkie. When a clinic checked her, they discovered that her massive tumor ran up and down both of her mammary glands. In her right axilla, they also discovered another tumor.

The procedure for Gertrude is set for the following day. More awful news has emerged. Her blood results were significantly worse than anticipated. This implies that there is a high risk associated with the procedure. However, the risk of doing nothing is far greater. For Trudy to have any chance of survival, this procedure is essential.

Trudy is too weak to eat due to recent major surgery, so we syringe-fed her a can of slurry. She complied, which is fortunate. The malignancies have, unfortunately, already spread to other areas of her body, according to the surgeons. She doesn’t have much time left.”

Trudy has 41 stitches in her. Trudy received more stitches than any other patient ever before had a complete mastectomy. They took a sample of Trudy’s blood and ran tests on it after she stopped eating.

There was no infection that returned despite the doctors’ expectations. The outcome, however, indicated that her red blood cell count is virtually zero. The blood sample they were able to obtain from Trudy’s narrow, deep-skinned veins was very little.

Even though she was unhappy about it, they gave her steroids and syringe-fed her slurry in the interim. Trudy always takes her medication quite well. Her stitches were removed a few days ago. The wound recovered well.

“There were times when we questioned whether it was the correct course of action to subject a terminal dog to significant surgery,” her veterinarian admitted.

It most certainly was. Trudy may be covered in tumors, but she doesn’t display them. She enjoys life, is active, eats a lot, and is content.

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