This ‘Heartbroken’ Dog Ran Away From Home Everyday To Visit His D.ead Owner’s Grave

The loss of his owner really grieved this devoted dog. He had lost his appetite and was consistently AWOL from his home. Nobody was aware of his activities.

This narrative started in Turkey. When Oztuk Ismail found a dog on the street, he took him in. He gave his pet the name Zozo. The dog had a strong connection to Oztuk and loved spending time with him since he liked him.

Oztuk Ismail died away on February 10, 2023. His entire family was shocked to learn of his passing. After losing his human friend, Zozo has been the most grieved member of the family, experiencing hopelessness for the previous two years. The loss of his devoted master saddened the dog.

The dog frequently vanished from the house, as noticed by Oztuk’s widow and children. At the end of the day, he returned, but we weren’t sure where.

The son of Oztuk Ismail, Oztuk Zafer, made the decision to go to his father’s tomb one day and saw an animal resting there from a distance. He saw Zozo as he got closer. For two years, Zozo visited the grave every day in tears. The kid of Zozo became aware of how much he missed his father.

According to the son, he was the one who first brought the dog to his father’s grave. Nobody expected Zozo to visit his colleague every day, rain or shine, at the cemetery at the outside of the hamlet.

Despite its inability to speak, the animal nevertheless makes the same movements to show its owner how much it cares for them.

The previous owner, who must have been a great man, deserved the love and dedication of his dog.

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