Terrified Siberian Husky Forced to Eat Rocks and Branches to Stay Alive and Is Clearly Depressed


The Siberian husky, now known as “Willow,” evaded identification by Mathieu Letourneau and Guillaume Lefevre as they drove past her. They were unsure whether she was a coyote, wolf, or dog. But the pair stopped, as opposed to other drivers who kept going.

Letourneau remembered, “I turned around and the dog was lying there simply given up — barely moving. It was just hungry to death and needed something warm.”

The only item the two men had was a Subway sandwich, which they gave to Willow in a friendly manner. When the stranger gave it to the shocked dog, it immediately ate it.

The Siberian husky was so neglected that Letourneau and Lefevre were shocked.

Her condition was terrible. All over her was knots. There was filth on her. She smelled bad and was filthy. She had the appearance of an outside-only dog.

Lefevre commented, “She seemed to have gotten into a quarrel.

However, Willow was not a runaway dog who had spent her entire existence outside; rather, she belonged to a university student in his twenties who lives in Coquitlam.

A neighbor of the owner provided the BC SPCA with a tip after spotting the dog in media footage. In accordance with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and the Criminal Code of Canada, animal cruelty investigators believe they have sufficient proof to proceed with charges.

The small canine, who was considered to be between one and two years old, was discovered on Jan. 31 weighing only 15 kilograms, as opposed to the typical weight of about 24 kilograms for a dog of her age and breed.

She probably only had 24 more hours to live, according to BC SPCA officials. With therapy and assistance, she is improving and is likely to fully recover.

She couldn’t have lived much longer. Eileen Drever, senior animal protection officer for the BC SPCA, claims that she was stumbling and barely able to stand when she was brought up.

A strange turn of events occurred once more. Letourneau had mentioned his intention to adopt a rescue to a friend just hours before he went and saved Willow. His new residence allows dogs, and he just moved in. It wasn’t only that the time was ideal; the breed also fit.

“Huskys are actually something I adore. A dog resembling a husky was what I was initially looking for.

Willow must first be treated for her illness before Letourneau can discuss adoption with the BC SPCA. The two express their joy at being at the right place at the right time as they reflect on their experiences. It was their second trip to Maple Ridge, according to Lefevre, and they don’t frequently visit the area where they saw Willow.

Lefevre says, “I’m happy we gave her another shot.

Letourneau said Willow might anticipate a future full of camping trips, hiking, and trips to the lake, to name a few, if the adoption goes through.

Whistler is “a paradise for dogs,” according to Letourneau, who calls it home.

Supporters of Willow hope that she will eventually experience a little piece of heaven. Looks like there will be a happy resolution to this horrible event.

Since last March, Willow has been living in her forever home after receiving extensive care in a foster home.

Willow is thriving, according to Dawn, her new owner. She has put on weight and is happy because her fur has grown back completely. Her raw diet, which seems to be working wonders for her sensitive stomach, is what they put her on.

Having a beautiful tail, Willow, according to Dawn, is very loving and gentle. Willow, according to her, is a bit of a couch potato who enjoys spending time with her family, her stuffed animals, and going on walks.

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