Super-Special Rescue Kitty Is Stealing Hearts With His Crooked Snout

We aren’t lying when we say Pinocchio the cat is too cute!

And not only is he a handsome young cat, but he’s also one who loves people and knows how to have a good time. He doesn’t let his host of medical issues get him down, reminding everyone who meets him that life is what you make it. Pinocchio is living a happy life thanks to his strong spirit and the magic of foster and rescue.

The special kitty’s journey to healing began when Jacqueline Santiago of Friends for Life Rescue Network first saw a photo of him. She couldn’t quite make out what was going on in the picture, but something was certainly not right. Putting eyes on the sweet kitten, the real-life image soon became clearer.

When Pinocchio arrived at the rescue, Jacqueline shared, “He came malnourished, dehydrated, and infested with fleas.”

At 3 months old, Pinocchio was only the size of “a 5-6 week old kitten.” But it wasn’t just his size proving to be an issue. Right away, it was clear the little boy had quite a few medical issues, “including a massive umbilical hernia that will require surgical repair, a crossbite causing his canines to jab into his lower jaw (will require removal), deformed nose, and potentially hydrocephalus.”

Though he’d already had much to deal with in his short life, this beautifully unique kitten was ready to give love to every person he met.

Jacqueline told the Dodo, “He runs up to anyone who enters the room and climbs up to their shoulder to perch. He rubs on you, loves to play and bounces around.”

Basically, “he’s a really happy guy who loves everyone — other people, other cats and dogs.”

Once it was understood how much care and rehabilitation Pinocchio would need, he was placed into the care of foster mom, Mel Lamprey.

On Pinocchio’s Instagram, Mel listed the medical issues this brave cat has faced and will continue to deal with as he ages into adulthood:

  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Enlarged heart
  • Heart murmur
  • Collapsed lung lobe
  • Tented skull
  • Deviated septum
  • Chronic upper respiratory infections
  • Eye issues
  • Dental issues
  • Possible neurological issues

So much for such a tiny boy! But through emergency surgery, sudden illness, and congenital issues, Pinocchio keeps going, getting stronger every day.

About her special boy, Mel shared, “I can’t believe how much this strong boy has been through, and he still has his ‘I’m great, I can do anything attitude!’”

And beyond his can-do attitude, he’s got cattitude too!

But he’s got a silly side too, Mel writes, “We call this Pinocchio’s ‘Fraggle angle.’ And if you don’t know what a Fraggle is, I’m sorry you missed that.”

And because Mel is sorry for your missing Fraggle Rock and this author is too, just click here, and you won’t be disappointed by the Jim Henson magic you’re about to discover!

And speaking of magic, look at Pinocchio and “his most boopable snoot.”

He’s just too much! And don’t worry, Mel will be keeping his pics coming as Pino will be staying in foster care for the foreseeable future. He’s still only a kitten who’s growing all the time, and it won’t be until adulthood Pinocchio’s plan for the happiest of forever can be settled, so for now, follow along on his foster journey via Pinocchio’s Wish.

While he’s a guy with lots of issues, his quality of life is happy purrfection. Pinocchio makes friends wherever he goes, stealing the hearts of anyone he meets. Including ours!

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