Roux The Adopted Two-Legged Bunny-Cat Is Instagram’s Latest Sensation

Roux, a little two-legged, incredibly cute cat adopted by Jackie Deak Akey in Louisiana, has become an Instagram celebrity (more than 54.8k followers) due to her playful and inspiring nature. Despite her congenital deformity, this one-year-old family pet hops about and loves to play just like any other cat!

Akey, who works at a veterinary clinic in New Orleans, learned of Roux (full name Lil’ Bunny Sue Roux Hendrickson Dean Akey) from an animal shelter who said that she had been surrendered to them because her deformity rendered her unable to bury her waste in her litter box. But now Roux can relax and enjoy the fame from her Instagram photos. Read on for more of her story and check the adorable cat photos!

Roux was born with two legs

She was given up because she was unable to bury her waste in her litter box

Luckily, vet clinic worker Jackie Deak Akey adopted her as soon as she saw her

She’s often called a “bunny-cat” because of her hopping

Roux with her “cousin” bunny named Kangaroo

Besides her congenital defects, she’s otherwise healthy

She’s figured out her own way of doing everything that she needs to do

Her legs get a big workout every day

She can run surprisingly fast and even jump on the sofa!

Roux will need back and leg checkups from the vet when she grows older

For now, though, there’s nothing to worry about!

Update: She just celebrated her second birthday!

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