Rescue Dog Surprises Staffers With The Cutest Smile In The World


At the age of two, a Texas street rat named Cheech was found and taken to a sizable neighborhood shelter. The City of Waller Animal Shelter and Rescue then came to his aid. Cheech immediately disproved the claims of the staff that he was afraid or frightened in his new environment because he was so young.

Cheech made the cutest, craziest face in his kennel shortly after getting to the shelter. Some volunteers and staff mistook his humor for unhappiness.


but Cheech swiftly answered with the loveliest, cheekiest smile, and everyone immediately fell in love with the vibrant little dog.

According to Leah Sipe, director of the City of Waller Animal Shelter and Rescue, “I walked inside the kennel to look at him and shouted for the other volunteers to come look.” When I put my hand in the cage, they believed I was crazy and he was growling at them; I feared they might faint. He is as nice as they come, I say.

Sipe posted a picture of Cheech grinning on the shelter’s Facebook page so that the rest of the world could see what a great smile he had. The internet immediately fell in love with Cheech. Over 7,000 people shared the article, and more than 50 people immediately expressed interest in adopting the happy puppy.

That so many people wanted to adopt little Cheech made the shelter happy.

Naturally, Cheech is included.

After sorting through the obscene number of applications Cheech got, the crew discovered the ideal applicant. One of the applicants recently lost a dog to cancer, and Dusty, the remaining dog, was also struggling. For support at this difficult time, he needed a new friend.

After meeting Cheech, it seemed clear that the two would make a terrific couple. Cheech has the ideal family, and everyone who knows him is ecstatic about it.

New and currently being constructed from an old jail, the City of Waller Animal Shelter and Rescue is brand new. The dog shelter’s doors will open to the public on November 12th, and thanks to Cheech and his endearing smile, there will undoubtedly be a long line of people waiting to adopt the shelter’s puppies.

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