Rescue Cat Turns Her Crooked Jaw into a Beautiful Smile

She has a crooked jaw, but this incredibly happy kitty has never stopped loving life.

Meet Duchess the cat!

Duchess had a rough beginning to her life which left her with a crooked jaw. She was found as a stray after being hit by a car. When they brought her to the vet, she was in pretty bad shape, but Dr. Meyer didn’t give up on her and reparied her jaw.

“Her chances of survival were slim, but she was a fighter and pulled through,” Crystal Tate told Love Meow.

“The day I first met Duchess, her mouth was just beginning to heal and the feeding tube had just been removed, and she was very thin…

“The lowest meow caught my attention; her eyes showed so much sadness but her purrs showed so much love and hope.”

“Everyday I would spend time with her, petting her, talking to her and when the doctors asked me if I could give her a home a few weeks later I knew immediately we were meant to land in each other lives.”

“It was a transition for us both, I had never cared for a special needs kitty and she had never experienced life as a special needs kitty but we learned together.”

Start the day with a smile!

What her human wakes up to every morning…

“And now she’s grown so much and I couldn’t be prouder, from a cat whose chances of survival were at 20% to a spunky little love bug who climbs on everything and loves on everyone.”

“She reminds me everyday that each day is a gift and that miracles really do happen.”

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