Prosthetic paws save the life of an amputee rescue dog who was to be euthanized


Every creature deserves to live because it is lovely. There are some rare species that need special attention. They shouldn’t be put to death due to their restrictions, though. To ensure that every animal has a shot at life, many compassionate people are, nonetheless, working in this field.

Like this dog, who was about to be put to death because she had been mistreated and had lost her paws, but who was instead not only saved, but also given a gift that allowed her to regain her footing. Dog named Monika was found in the Russian village of Plastunovskaya in December of last year. Because of everything the dog had been through, her paws were severely injured and had to be removed.

Rescue volunteers Marina Gapich and Alla Leonkina took in the unlucky puppy, but they were heartbroken to learn that it should be put to sleep after receiving advice from experts. They looked for a different solution because they were opposed. The dog was in their care, according to Marina, who identified them as her caregivers.

It turned out to be prosthetics-focused veterinarian Sergei Gorshkov. To assist Monika in getting new legs, the rescuers collected about 400,000 Russian rubles (about $5400).

Even though the veterinarian had never before created prosthetic paws for a dog, he agreed to the task. At Tomsk Polytechnic University, the titanium paws were made and biocoated.

The replacement paws were created and medically implanted into Monika. Initial skepticism regarding the dog’s capacity to acclimate to her new prosthesis was shared by everyone.

When everyone else took a while to get used to Monika’s new paws, she surprised everyone. On the third day, Sergei claims, she started getting up and walking around the institution, going from room to room. At first, they were not hopeful.

As he had helped save an animal’s life, the veterinarian was delighted. When humans don’t give up on animals, amazing miracles like this can happen. The dog was on the verge of being put down when his life was rescued by the rescue volunteers and the vet.

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