“Obnoxious & Repulsive” Dog Gets Dumped At Kill Shelter For No Fault Of His Own

The corgi-terrier mix waste was the result of a careless nearby breeder, but the two puppies in the waste were extremely vulnerable. According to ilovemydogsomuch, Picasso, the family dog, was born with a facial deformity that gave him a crooked jaw, while Pablo the puppy was only weak.

The pooch was going to be put to sleep before a shelter called Luvable Dog Rescue stepped in to help

Picasso’s “offensive” face astounded the breeder, who indiscreetly dumped him at a kill sanctum alongside Pablo. Picasso doesn’t have any health issues, but it is clear that a dog with his appearance will not be welcomed. But the poor dog still hoped that someone would accept his pure, loving heart despite his deformity.

Many people have already offered to give the cute pooch and his brother a home

Picasso and Pablo were about to be put down because they were “unadoptable,” but Liesl Wilhardt stepped forward to take them! Liesl is passionate about helping children with disabilities and runs a small organization called “Luvable Dog Rescue.”

Along with nine other rescuers, Picasso and Pablo started residing in their new house. But just as they were getting comfortable in their happy lives, Pablo passed away from a brain aneurysm. Picasso spent several months in a depressive state as a result of this tragedy, and Liesl felt uneasy for her sorrowful dog.

Picasso’s mouth problem means his teeth dig in to the roof of his mouth so he can’t eat very well

Picasso is seen with his brother Pablo, who also needs a home

Picasso is only ten months old and he’s being placed with his brother Pablo

Picasso is seen chewing on a stick – he’s about to have an operation to sort out his teeth

Picasso re-establishes his strength through his preparation as a service dog for the disabled. The dog proved to be naturally gifted as a remedy dog. After receiving his instrument, Picasso immediately began helping depressed and handicapped people.

Picasso, who was once an abandoned puppy, has come a long way. He gave blood, lost loved ones, and then rediscovered his life’s purpose of being a therapy dog. In the true spirit of a survivor, Picasso surmounted every challenge and arrived to the soaring lantern that shines in people’s darkest hours!

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