Neglected Dog Who Chew Through Leg To Escape Gets Rescued And Finds A New Loving Home

The heartbreaking tale of one dog has at last found a happy resolution: the dog, who bit his own leg in a neglected home, was saved and placed in a loving, permanent new home.

According to the Best Friends Animal Society, the dog’s owner used two steel cables to tie Bella to the back of her Saginaw, Michigan, house.

The poor dog was abandoned and mistreated; she had no food or shelter, ran out of water, and couldn’t get to her food. Bella is immobile due to the cable. Bella’s owner ignored her completely for several weeks.

The dog was malnourished and dehydrated, and unfortunately, in an attempt to escape, it bit Bella’s back leg when a concerned individual finally heard her screams and intervened.

As Desiri, the Saginaw County animal care and inspection officer, recalls, “it was heartbreaking and unbelievable to walk into the backyard and see Bella in so much pain that day.

Bella was taken care of by a veterinarian, and Best Friends reported that the poor, abandoned dog continued to be upbeat despite everything by wagging his tail.

Eventually, Bella’s owner was located, and accusations were made. Bella was safe, which was more important; the owner gave the shelter custody, and she started to anticipate a new, better life. She also adapts well to life on three legs.

After working at the Saginaw County Animal Care and Control Center, Bella was asked by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary to give her the care she required. Although getting Bella from Michigan to Utah wasn’t simple, her story touched the hearts of many of the supporters who paid for the trip.

The three-day trip was scheduled to leave in January, and Desiree and her coworker Abbe Balderstone suggested going, according to the press release. Bella is the ideal traveling companion, according to Desiree.

Bella is welcomed with open arms by her best friend and quickly acclimates to her new surroundings. According to Shelter Director Ali Wazmer, “After what Bella was going through, she really showed the dog’s resilience and made her feel comfortable.”

Fortunately, Bella’s tale now has a happier conclusion.

Kim Diehl and Jason Reding of Rockport, Illinois, visited Best Friends in February to adopt a new dog after the passing of their older rescue bulldog, according to People magazine.

They recognized Bella as the one the moment they laid eyes on her.

Bella simply has an alluring face. According to Kim, “It was love at first sight,” as reported by People magazine. “For a week, we kept them at the cabin nearby. She has a lot of life and energy. We adore her even more.

When they got along, they decided to adopt Bella permanently and took her to their new house. According to rumors, Bella has found love and is now leading a happy life.

Her past is very sad, and it’s unfortunate that she had to experience it, but we want to make up for it all, Kim said. “We want to spoil her beyond belief.”

Despite the fact that this was initially a very sad story, so many people stepped up to help Bella, and now she has the ideal new home where she will finally receive the love and care she deserves!

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