Meet Stevie Wonder The Blind Piano-playing Cat Who Loves To Entertain Himself By Tinkling The (Ebony And) Ivories

It may appear very su-purr-stitious but a blind cat named called Stevie Wonder really has developed a passion for playing the piano.

The musical moggie is astounding carers at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire.

Carers believe the six-year-old – who was found in a garden – presses on the keys because the sound helps connect him to the outside world.

Right note: Stevie the rescue cat loves to play the piano at his home in Wood Green Animal Shelter in Cambridgeshire

When Stevie, named after the famous blind American singer and pianist, was found he was flea-ridden, suffering from worms, had a hernia in his stomach and both of his eyes were missing.

Vets are unsure whether his eyes were surgically removed or he was born without them.

But after he was taken home to be cared for by one of the staff they noticed how much he seemed to enjoy listening to the piano being played.

Beverley Street, deputy manager of cat welfare at the shelter, believes the blind feline feels comforted by being able to hear the sound made by its movements.

Now the piano-playing puss now spends as much time as possible skipping across the keyboard at its temporary owner’s home.

Blind magic: It is unclear whether Stevie was born with no eyes or if its owner took the decision to have them surgically removed.

Round of a-paws: Animal carers believe the six-year-old moggie – who was found in a garden – craves pushing his paws on the keys because the sound helps connect him to the outside world.

Ms Street said: ‘You wouldn’t think Stevie couldn’t see. He is so playful he is like a little kitten.

‘Stevie seems to enjoy the sound of the piano and often jumps up on my lap while I play.

‘He has ventured onto the seat and the piano himself a few times for a little nose and a rather noisy play.

‘Because he has no sight Stevie’s other senses are so heightened – his hearing is amazing.

‘He loves to jump, play with fishing rod toys and explore his foster home and garden. He really is a wonder.

‘Amazingly in terms of himself Stevie is well, which is why it is so surprising that he does not have eyes.’

Listening in: When the cat was found he was flea-ridden, suffering from worms, had a hernia in his stomach and both of his eyes were missing.

Roll over Beethoven: Stevie was taken home to be cared for by one of the staff and they noticed how much he seemed to enjoy listening to the piano being played.

Together: Animal carer Bev Street with Stevie Wonder. She said: ‘You wouldn¿t think Stevie couldn¿t see. He is so playful he is like a little kitten.

Making music: Stevie pads along the piano as he enjoys listening to the sounds the keyboard makes

Moving: The beautiful cat looks deep in thought as it tinkles the keys on the piano

She said she hoped the animal will be moved to a stable home soon where the furniture remains in one place so he can create a mental map in his head of the space around him.

Stevie was found by a member of the public in her garden in Bedford, on July 27 and brought into Wood Green.

Vets first treated Stevie’s flees and worms and operated on the umbilical hernia on his stomach as well vaccinating him against cat flu and enteritis.

Wood Green, which was founded in 1924, rehomes thousands of dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep, rabbits, hens, ferrets and other small animals every year.

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