Loyal Dog Waits 6 Hours Beside Injured Furry Friend Until Help Arrives

This amazing video depicts a dog who was struck by a car waiting for assistance for at least six hours.

Samantha Zimmer, a 36-year-old Houston accountant, came across a Facebook appeal from a mailman who had seen the dogs at 11 a.m. but was unable to offer them assistance.

She and her fiance, George Dix, made the decision to drive around the region mentioned in the Facebook post in search of the two pals, Corey and Matthew, while keeping a look out for the vulnerable pups.

Around 4 p.m., after traveling 50 minutes in the direction of Dayton, they came found Corey laying on the road and realized Matthew would be close by.

Corey was first hesitant, but a can of sausages eventually won him over. After they had him in place, they went to get a waving Matthew from the partially submerged ditch. Matthew whimpered as George tried to lift him. George ultimately lifted the dog into the back of the car and placed him on some blankets despite the fact that he was raw and appeared to have fractured bones.

Matthew had a damaged front right leg, a cracked molar, road rash, and fleas when they took him to Houston for treatment. The friends met up again the day Matthew was picked up from the veterinarian. While Matthew was being transported to his medical foster home, they enjoyed their ride together.

While they heal and get care, both canines are currently being kept separately by nonprofit rescue Lola’s Lucky Day. They will soon be adopted by a Wisconsin resident, according to plans.

We were aware that we might not find these dogs in time when we set out to find them, Samantha added. We were relieved to find out that Corey had stayed with Matthew and that, despite his wounds, he was still breathing regularly, waving his tail, and happy to see us.

Matthew yelled in pain, but he never once attempted to bite; that’s how lovely he is, she said. We were confident that we could still save him since we knew he was a fighter. Before he was run over by a car, he had obviously been ignored for a very long time.”

As a fosterer with Lola’s Lucky Day, Samantha posts all of her rescue tales online to spread awareness of the problem of homeless animals in Texas, raise money for their care, and locate adoptive homes. Positive feedback about the rescue has resulted in donations and offers of assistance from all over. However, some viewers expressed their disappointment that Corey and Matthew were being fostered in separate families.

Because there are so few open spots in Houston, Samantha highlighted that their top aim was to place the children in the best foster homes possible based on their medical requirements.

She continued, “Matthew and Corey are both thriving. “They are not depressed in their foster homes, even if they got along well when they were homeless.” They have won the hearts of everyone they have encountered with their thirst for joy and life.”

Watch the video below:

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