Kitty Trapped In 109-Degree Heat Next To Electrical Post Was Crying For Help And Finally Someone Heard Him

On a particularly hot day, a young Portuguese woman was playing Pokemon Go, when she ended up rescuing a kitty. “As I was passing by an electricity post I heard what I thought was a bird… [but] found a kitty crying for help,” she wrote on her Imgur page. “It had his head stuck in the junction between the top side and the bottom side of the [electrical] post…It must have been there for a long time, since it barely had energy to cry… I only knew it was alive by its cry for help.”

The girl called the firefighters. The rescue team spent the whole day trying to save the trapped kitty, but it was really stuck. No matter what they tried, no technique seemed to work.

Then someone had the idea to use the same machine they previously tilted the top of the post with, only this time lifting the bottom as well. “BOOM, the post busted and there was just enough space left for the cat to be free!”.

Even though the poor thing looked like the ‘ugliest cat’, the woman’s family ended up adopting the kitten. As time went by, the rescue turned into an orange beauty .

“He is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen…I’m in love with him,” says the woman.

On a particularly hot day, a Portuguese woman was playing Pokemon Go, when she ended up rescuing a kitty

“As I was passing by an electricity post I heard… a kitty crying for help”

“It had his head stuck in the junction between the top side and the bottom side of the [electrical] post”

“It must have been there for a long time… I only knew it was alive by its cry for help”

The girl called the firefighters. The rescue team spent the whole day trying to save the trapped kitty

No matter what they tried, no technique seemed to work

Then “BOOM, the post busted and there was just enough space left for the cat to be free!”

Even though the poor thing looked like the ‘ugliest cat’, the woman’s family adopted the kitten

As time went by, the rescue turned into an orange beauty

“He is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen…I’m in love with him”

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