Hibari, actually rescued me!

Do you believe cats come into your life with a purpose? This is the heartwarming story of Hibari, a heaven-sent tiny kitten that came out of nowhere and changed Chris’s life forever.

In February 2001, Felix, Chris’s very first cat, suddenly died at eight years old. She was shocked and devastated, and she would cry herself to sleep every night.

One night, about four months later, at about 2 in the morning, Chris heard crying outside in the parking lot in front of her apartment. She said to herself “is that you, Felix?”

So, she went out to look and found a tiny baby cat (about 3-week-old) under a car, crying and screaming.

Chris brought some food and water out for the kitten and said she was sorry that she couldn’t help it because her heart was broken. She went back in, and I could hear the kitten cry all night.

The morning after, her neighbors knocked on her door and said they had a present for her “from Felix”, it was the same kitten again!

Baby Hibari about 3 weeks old.

Chris kept telling her neighbors that she could not keep the kitten, but they said that if they left it out on the street all alone, it would not survive.

They asked her if she could at least keep the kitten until they could find a good home for it, so Chris took it in for “just one night”.

“I checked the kitten’s gender and since it was a girl I named her after the most famous singer in Japan, Misora Hibari.” Chris explained.

That first night, little Hibari slept next to Chris in her bed as she cried herself to sleep again, and she started licking Chris tears away. That one night turned into twenty-one precious years together.

Hibari turned 23 in May 2024!

“She is a gorgeous, beautiful ‘Superwoman’; so smart and sassy and sweet.” Chris says.

And to this day, Chris knows and believes that Felix is in Hibari’s soul behind those gorgeous emerald, green eyes.

“Hibari owns my heart. She is my life!” her mom says.

“Hibari rescued me! I don’t think I would have survived the loss of Felix without her.

Thank you, Felix! and God bless my Hibari. I love her beyond belief. ”

Hibari has won a spot on LoveCATS’ calendars and photo books almost every year since she was first entered in our annual photo contest back in 2013; her rescue story is featured on LoveCATS’ 2022 Photobook Special edition.

Hibari posing with her copy of LoveCATS 2022 photo book

Hibari posing with LoveCATS 2022 photo book

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