Her Days Were Numbered As She Helplessly Roamed Streets With Severely Swollen Face

HV-In Santssimo, Rio De Jeneiro, Brazil, a nice Samaritan noticed a dog on the ground in severe need of assistance.

She’d been wandering the streets, helpless, with a severely swollen face and excruciating pain. The person who discovered her chained her to a fence to prevent her from escaping and attempted to feed her food, but she was too sick to eat.

Randel Silva, a local dog rescuer, learned about the dog and promised to help. They dubbed this adorable puppy ‘Jade,’ and took her to the vet.

She appeared to have been beaten. She was bloated, painful, and bleeding, with acute anemia and dehydration.

Vets began her on antibiotics and cared for her 24 hours a day, seven days a week. She can now eat on her own, and the edema has subsided.

She is lively, alert, and bright, and she appears to be a whole different dog. She will be cared for by them until she is fully recovered and ready to go to a forever home.

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