Dumped In The Bush, Blind And Very Thin Dog Begging In Fear For A Second Chance To Live

HV-Conchita had been abandoned in the bush; she was very thin and couldn’t move because she was afraid of not seeing, but a boy saved her and she now lives as the most loved and cared for member of the family.

Conchita is a special needs dog who lacks her two little eyes, but that hasn’t stopped her from being happy. Her past, however, has been turbulent, as her first owners abandoned her in poor health and very thin, knowing about her impairment. What was “trash” for some turned gold for a boy, her best friend, and because he felt sorry for the sad canine, she is now the most cherished and pampered of her.

Save an abandoned dog that has lost both of her eyes.

Mauricio Pérez told the story of his beloved dog, Conchita, whom he spared from death on the street, on TikTok. According to the social media video, this dog was uploaded in a group where a user reported that she had been abandoned.

The youngster didn’t hesitate to go for her and pick her up; poor Conchita was afraid of the people around her and only stayed in one location because walking was a difficult effort because she didn’t know the people around her, but she trusted Mauricio and went with him to start a new life.

There was an instant connection, and because to the care that man provided for her, Conchita was recuperating not only physically, but also psychologically, as her heart progressively opened to love her owner unreservedly.

The video of this dog’s progress is incredibly cute because you can see how she was suffering and how, thanks to this man and, without a doubt, the family, she was able to be joyful, because they even celebrated her year of rescue, being the most pampered of your home.

Said TikTok has nearly two million views, with many congratulating Mauricio for that act of solidarity and love, because this video is about promoting animal care and adoption, because if she hadn’t been picked up by this youngster, Conchita, she would not have lived so much in the dangers of the street. Without a doubt, a life lesson that many people should learn, because getting a furry friend is as simple as adopting or rescuing one that is in need of assistance.

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