Dog With Massive Tu.mour On Her Leg Couldn’t Barely Walk, Begs For Help

It’s hard to explain this rescue. Not because it was tough but because it is heart-breaking to witness a dog that must have been in great pain for months. She is afraid, for all she knows is never ending pain. I have never seen a tumour of this scale in a dog before.

Even Alma’s rescue was realy dramatic , everybody racing and yelling. And then you noticed what she had on her leg. Viktor Larkhill rescue crew fought hard to capture her and take her with them for care.

She is a young dog, and she has been in agonizing pain for months.

As far as she knows, pain is natural, people are the enemy (she has even been shot!) and life is to be endured at best. She deserves to be viewed as the gorgeous, long-suffering dog that she is!

“We are waiting for Alma’s CT scan report and biopsy findings. At the meanwhile, she is being cared for around the clock in our hospital, where her tumour is cleansed and dressed every day.” Said Viktor Larkhill.

“She appears to comprehend that we are assisting her and is allowing us to handle her and feed her by hand. I guarantee you that we will do all we can to preserve her life while preserving her leg… she will receive everything she needs.” He added.

Alma continues to be treated at the hospital. Her surgery will occur at the end of the week. The suspicion is that this is a liposarcoma. Fortunately there is no metastasis! Vets are going to do everything they can to preserve her limb.

Alma’s first bath wasn’t easy… she is still terrified, but we managed to get rid of a full lifetime of dirt, and figuratively of neglect. She couldn’t go into surgery like that. The day of her procedure is coming, we only need her anaemia to improve a bit more. They think a liposarcoma… it may be better, but it could surely be worse! If anybody can save her limb, it’s this great community. With your aid, we will spare no expense!

Alma’s life is about to change! After an echocardiography certified her suitable for surgery, she is in surgery at this minute. Tomorrow you will be able to view the full procedure. Alma will awake after the surgery a changed dog, free from the pain and sheer weight of that unattractive lump! Then she will require chemotherapy and rehabilitation.

To find out more news about Alma, enter Viktor Larkhill channel on YouTube!!

Watch the video below:

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