Rudy the Pit Bull is the kind of person who merits a relaxing bath. In November, after being found abandoned in a plastic bucket and in bad health, he entered a shelter in New York City. He had very little hair, and his skin was destroyed, probably from battery acid burns and several cigarette burns, leaving him with horrific scars.
His front limb was severely broken, making it impossible for him to walk. His Cushings Disease, which went undetected, worsens his already dire situation.
Emotionally, Rudy was also shattered. The charity wrote on Facebook, “It is a miracle this shattered youngster survived.” Rudy was grateful and nothing but a lovebug the moment we saved him, except for the fact that he was utterly terrified and suspicious of a good human touch.
Heavily medicated baths are one thing that have greatly helped Rudy.
Rudy’s particular spa treatments, which are assisting in his skin and fur healing, are shown in a video that the charity posted online.
Fortunately, his foster parents are vets and can provide him with all the medical attention he needs while he heals. They also own a beautiful New England farm house where he may be surrounded by love and have his soul mend. Harold the lamb, kids, dogs, cats, and barn animals are all part of his social circle.

Visit SNARR’s Facebook page to keep up with the fantastic rescue work they do.
To honor this brave, devoted dog, please tell your friends Rudy’s story!