The puppy was originally terrified of the humans, but as the time went on, he grew accustomed to them. He was in wonderful health, but he was also incredibly sad despite the days he had spent alone.
Living conditions for stray dogs are difficult in many ways. But there have also been stories of callous people leaving babies in helpless positions.
A rescue crew responded to the call of some neighbors who had found an abandoned puppy in an uninhabited house in their neighborhood, as was described in a YouTube post from the shelter Animal House New.

Even though they initially gave him food and drink, he refused to consume any of it. To free him from the heavy chains around his neck, they needed special equipment.
He was afterwards put into a pickup truck and driven to the vet to be examined. The puppy seemed to be in fair health despite the challenges he had to face. Only a dreadful sense of desertion had any effect on him.