Cat Who’s Never Had A Home Before Can’t Believe This Is All For Her

For the first several months of Jolie’s life, everything was uncertain. She was found as a stray in Florida and then bounced around between rescues and foster homes. She just wanted to find somewhere stable where she could finally relax — and when her future mom, Deanna McCallum, found out about her, she knew she could give her that. 

“She had been at Cape Ann Animal Aid for quite a while before I was able to meet her through Zoom,” McCallum told The Dodo. “I instantly knew she needed a loving home.” 

After that Zoom call, McCallum immediately decided to adopt sweet Jolie and give her the forever home she’d always wanted. She wasn’t able to actually meet Jolie in person before picking her up, and when she arrived, she was already settled into her carrier — so McCallum just grabbed the carrier and headed home. The pair finally met when Jolie peeked her head out of her carrier and saw her new home and mom for the very first time. 

“She was extremely nervous when we got home! I opened her carrier and let her look around for a while,” McCallum said.

Jolie was definitely a little hesitant — but from the look on her face, her new mom could tell that she was also just shocked that this was all for her. After so much uncertainty, Jolie was finally home. 

Even though it had been hard not getting to meet and bond with Jolie in person before taking her home, seeing the look on her face when she saw her new life for the first time definitely made all the waiting worth it. 

It took Jolie a week or so to fully settle into her new home, but once she realized that she was there to stay, she started to relax. The rescue had made it seem like Jolie might have a difficult time adjusting to things, but throughout the entire process, McCallum was struck by how gentle and sweet she was. After everything she’d been through, she just wanted to be loved. 

“While it took her a few weeks to warm up, Jolie is the sweetest cat I have ever met,” McCallum said. “She’s never hissed, scratched or tried to bite me. She has never once even acted out. She’s just a sweet soul who needed a loving home, and I’m so blessed and thankful that I have her here with me.” 

From the moment Jolie poked her head out of her carrier, she knew she was finally where she was meant to be.

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