Cat Rescued From Fire Now Looks After Other Animals In Vet Clinic

A cat that survived a house-fire, suffering 3rd degree burns resulting in amputations, has spent the last year caring for other animals at the Animal Emergency Hospital & Urgent Care in North Carolina. Russel, who is still recovering despite a year of treatment, goes from room to room visiting other animals in distress. He won’t stop to rest unless he’s gently encouraged by the staff.

“He wants to meet all our patients. He just wants to be with them,” hospital staff told The Dodo. “I don’t know if he can sense that other animals are in pain…but he does seem to have some weird knack for connecting with patients.”

Russel may never fully recover, and recently had to have his feet operated on. However, donations have made it possible to live at the hospital full-time, where he will be loved and appreciated.

Meet Russel, a cat who survived a house fire last year

Being a permanent resident in the animal hospital, Russel started to care for other patients

“He wants to meet all our patients. He just wants to be with them”

“I don’t know if he can sense that other animals are in pain…but he does seem to have some weird knack for connecting with patients.”

“Most cats are independent and aloof, but he likes to be with other animals”

“And it’s not all about him. He really enjoys giving companionship to others”

Russel might never fully recover, but he has a good and meaningful life at the clinic

“He’s a rock star here. Everyone wants to see him. We’d be happy to keep him as our clinic mascot”

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