At A Meat Farm, Part Of Her Nose Is Severed, And Hundreds Of People Band Together To Save Her

Numerous cautions and complaints about dog farms in China have been received by thousands of rescue organizations. Puppies are often rescued from the streets or even raised in order to be transported to slaughterhouses and sold for their meat by a variety of groups.

Even though time-consuming rescue efforts are organized each year, hundreds of furry pals nonetheless suffer injury. One of them is Angel, a Belgian Shepherd/mix dog.

As the dog and a dozen other animals were being carried to a butcher in Changchun, a group of activists intervened to rescue them. Despite her serious wounds, she was quite attractive and seemed content to be in a safe place.

A few months later, Hollie Cornes adopted her, and she started a new life. Hollie has a lot of experience working with animals since she trained military dogs.

But when he met Angel, he was horrified to see all the devastation that had been done to a complete innocent. The young lady started posting pictures of her dog on social media, and before she knew it, her furry friend had gathered a sizable network of supporters ready to help her.

Although Angel seemed to have a nice life, he was having trouble breathing. Before being adopted by Hollie, she underwent surgery in Beijing, although she ran through a number of problems along the way.

Hollie said, “I was informed that the awful tools they use to gather and control pups caused her nose injury.

He had a very serious problem with his nose, and fixing it would be quite costly. The dog had to first go through an almost $3,000 tomography.

We couldn’t believe it when a lady from Instagram promptly provided the money, according to Hollie.

Exams indicated that Angel could only breathe through half of his nose, and that nostril was partially blocked by misplaced scar tissue.

It wasn’t a matter of taste; Angel deserved a happier and healthier life, according to Hollie.

The dog has a 2-millimeter hole through which to breathe. Additionally, she was constantly bleeding from her wound, which made her daily life extremely challenging.

Hollie said, “We felt we had no choice but to undergo surgery when we realized how difficult it was for her to breathe.

The adorable canine was successful in raising the needed funds via a GoFundMe campaign. Her traumatic past had impacted far too many people, and they all decided to chip in a little amount to help her have a better life and fully appreciate her mother’s trips.

We give thanks for how dramatically Angel’s life has changed. This is the kind of happy ending that all pups deserve. Share!

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