A heartbreaking moment unfolds as a puppy frantically searches for food to bring to his mother, unaware that she is gone forever

A heartbreaking moment unfolds as a puppy frantically searches for food to bring to his mother, unaware that she is gone forever

Recently, some photos have gone viral on the Internet. A lonely    puppy is sitting alone in the wasteland, looking at a highly weathered and skeletonized corpse on the ground.

It turned out that the skeleton was a    puppy mother while she was alive. Netizens moved and pointed out that “the mother is going to change, and the kid is not willing to leave.”

The puppy gazed at the camera avidly, and it turned out that the body was the mother of the puppy before her death.

The Facebook fan page of a foreign animal protection organisation shared a series of photos on the 25th, which showed a yellow-brown puppy sitting close to the skeleton of an animal. The corpse had been dead for several days, and nearly 92% of its body was converted to white bones. Only around 8% of the region was left with a hint of black hair. The   puppy glanced at the camera intently, and ultimately laid at the feet of the skeleton. It turned out that the body was the mother of the   puppy before he died.

A lonely puppy sat alone in the wasteland, looking at a horribly weathered and skeletonized corpse on the ground.

This snapshot originated on May 22, 2017 and was shared on the Thai Facebook fan page of China’s “Xinhua News Agency”.

Many netizens responded to this:

Go back to the puppy to take care of him”, “Look at how much he misses his mother”, “convey his feelings about his mother”, “Alas, his mother must also desire to stand up again”.

“I hope someone will bring back the   puppy to take care of him” and “look how badly he misses his mother”.

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